"Australians who use cocaine have the blood of those slain in the Mexican drug wars on their hands"
- Chief executive John Lawler, Australian Crime Commission
The Australian siterer lederen for Australian Crime Commission, John Lawler, i forbindelse med publisering av organisasjonens årsrapport om organisert kriminalitet i Australia. Han uttaler blant annet nettopp det som cocaine.no initiativet står for:
"They are supporting indirectly what's going on in Mexico by their actions and I think that dimension of the issue needs to be out there in the public's mind; that people who use these illicit drugs are in part responsible for the effects that occur in other parts of that country."
Lawler uttaler videre at kokaintrafikken utgjør "en svært sofistikert trussel mot Australia". For å forstå det utsagnet bedre, anbefaler vi å studere vår oversikt over konsekvensene som kokainmafiaen påfører samfunnet, se: